


“All sets [of images] you have sent are amazing. We are so glad to hear that you are loving Baffin’s SNOW MONSTER boots! The content you have been sending over has been great, we are excited to continue sharing on our social channels. Sincerely, Sidney.”—Sidney Durante, Marketing Manager 



“As always, we are so envious of your travels and adventures. Luckily we get to see the videos. We…found some really great clips for your collection. We really liked the clips from the container ship, plus we think these could be useful for commercial purposes. The clips of Lisa prepping and eating breakfast were well done too. Great light and composition; and no logos! Keep capturing cityscapes when you can. We don’t have very many clips of Santiago, and your cityscapes are arguably the best we have on the site. We also loved the clip of the naval officers walking at the port. Great capture! We are excited to see more clips from you soon.”—Editing team.


WOW – Great. Thanks for the content. We are so excited about you guys and have now uploaded you guys on our Ambassadors page on our website. Thank you for the lovely kind words about me and impressions of our team in general. We had a blast with you two! The Head of Global Marketing will share some of your words with the team and some important people in the company who would most likely love to hear this.”—Jasmin Anderson, Global Content Marketing Coordinator

Thanks for regularly checking in to ensure that you are in good standing as far as our collaboration goes. It’s abundantly clear that you both care about the Dometic brand and want to help us expand, so really, thank you! The team and I LOVE your stream of image/video content showcasing our product. The product placement in magazines and your social media “influencer” capacity is excellent. Undeniably, we are extremely thankful for everything you guys have done to date, including the phenomenal job performed at OutDoor in Munich this year. You guys are two of the best representatives with whom we have ever had the good fortune of supporting. You are both creative, committed and effective at what you do – everything we could ever want in brand ambassadors.”—Samuel Silverudd, Head of EMEA, Dometic


I gotta be honest with you. In 18 years, this is the most thoughtful and comprehensive sponsorship request I have ever received.  Well done folks!  I think you could make it into an Expo workshop for up and coming influencers. I think it would be great for us to work together and get a fridge in your new setup.“—Paul May, Founder and President, Equipt

Good To-Go

“Thank you as always for helping to spread the good word for GTG. Myself and one of our founders were at Overland Expo East recently, and were blown away by the response from people. The work you and Jason have done was mentioned on more than one occasion…Please let me know if you’re in need of any meals.”

“I saw the post that was shared by Expedition Portal—which got a ton of engagement. Thank you so much for the thoughtful post. And the two reviews are incredible! Love the humor you inject into your writing. I’ve shared with our founders, sales manager and PR firm, all were super excited to see everything.The image you posted on Instagram is a great shot. I’ve been waiting for just the right photo to place into our full-page advertisement with Overland Journal. We’ve decided to sign on for their fall issue, and it would be great to feature this image.”

“Beautiful shots. The color from the flowers in the foreground looks great. The light is fantastic. Bright, sunny, not shot as an afterthought taken in the dark, after a long day. Perfect. The negative space was great. Especially in the vertically formatted images. It allows me the space for logo placement and copy. Again, thank you for your diligence and for encouraging the constructive feedback! Also for allowing me to live vicariously through your insanely amazing adventures.“—Justin Hagen, Marketing and Digital Media Director

Juneau Whale Watch

“Your efforts have been paying off and keeping regular posts through the winter has benefited us exactly like I hoped. No matter what or where, I hope we will always stay in touch and I bet we will find a way to work together again. I really appreciate it! You are worth it and we value your amazingness!”—Serene Hutchinson, Manager

So happy you wandered into my office that day two years ago! Who knew that whale watchers and moto riders would be such a great match – but boy were we! You two are the real deal! Love and miss you!“—Serene Hutchinson, Manager


MOTOTREK and West38Moto

Right-on, Lisa! It was great meeting and hanging out with you and Jason. Glad you like the video. I’d love to collab again. Safe travels!“—Tim Tyler, Founder of MOTOTREK

Overland Expo WEST/EAST

I just wanted to send a personal THANK YOU! I am fully aware of the endless hours of shooting, editing, sound fixing you have spent to create your masterpiece. Let me assure you it had an impact that night, and we may have yet another new bunch of travellers on their way to their own overland experience. For what you do, indeed, matters. Until we meet again.“—Alain Despatie, Film Festival Curator

WOW!! Phenomenal responses to the interview questions. No wonder you are so well-loved by all those whose paths you cross. Thank you for putting so much time, energy and effort into that. And Jason’s photos are indeed phenomenal, as well.“—Azure O’Neil, Director of Programming



“Top notch work in promotion of the brands! So far you guys are doing everything we could hope for! Thanks for all the great work! I will continue to pass your photos along to our friends in the German office…all the things we’ve been getting from you is top notch!…I want to take a moment to say that we absolutely love all the photos you guys take, absolutely top notch. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards…“—Matthew Rada, Marketing manager, USA

“Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures and we always appreciate being able to see your adventures! Hope you all have a happy Monday and keep sending those images, we love them! Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards”—Jennifer Hayhurst,Marketing Coordinator, USA

Your shots were absolutely superb as you understood what we really needed. The combination of our briefing along with your personal creative ideas and skills made the outcome more than satisfying.You guys implemented our briefing perfectly and mixed it very creatively with your personal style. And that’s just awesome!”—Karine Rondeau, Head of Marketing, Germany


Sea to Summit USA

I wanted to touch base with you both in regards to our pending 2017 partnership. I’ve had a chance to discuss with the rest of my team and there is no question we absolutely love working with you folks, and we appreciate the superior photo content & editorial that you consistently deliver.“—Bill Raczkowski, Product Manager


Sheldon Mountain House

“I’m stunned at the incredible images on your website; so inspiring and gobsmacking!  What a thrilling and epic adventure you & Jason had. AND I just read through the coverage on our Mountain House: it is pure poetry, fantastic wordsmithing!!!  I love the way you write and describe everything.  Super WOW.  You absolutely captured Talkeetna, the anticipation for the flight, and the experience at the Mountain House so authentically!  Thank you!”—Don Sheldon, Owner


Skagway Tours

You and Lisa have done a killer job on social media! Thank you so much for your contributions this year.“—Bret Hutchinson, Manager



ADVMoto Magazine 

“The May issue is just hitting the stands and your story looks amazing! The designers did a great job and you’ll be proud…As always, thank you again for your many contributions. I don’t know if you realize it, but you’ve become a mainstay in our little magazine. You are appreciated. :-)”—Paul H Smith, Senior Editor

And BTW, your story/article on your training day with Dusty is likewise excellent. I barely had to touch it, which I’d like to point out is VERY rare. Writers with a good (or any) command of written English are scarce these days. 🙂 Your writing style has a comfortable and familiar feel.Paul H Smith, Senior Editor

ADV Pulse

You’ve always got great photos and commentary.”—Rob Dabney, Editor

Motorcycle Mojo Magazine 

A fantastic photo in Death Valley. If you haven’t read Lisa Morris’ stories in the Magazine before you should take the time and prepare to have your mind blown by enthralling stories and captivating photos by her partner Jason Spafford.“—Glenn Roberts, Editor-in-Chief

Earlier this summer, I received an email from Lisa Morris and Jason Spafford. They were going to be heading through my area and wondered if we were going to be home so they could stop by. I had met them both briefly at the 2017 Calgary Motorcycle Show while they were spending the winter in the Calgary area. They have an interesting story: Four and a half years ago they quit their jobs, sold everything they owned and shipped both their bikes from England to South America to spend an undetermined amount of time on the road. In that time they had been to Antarctica and ridden from Ushuaia, Argentina, to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska – from Antarctica to the Arctic. In essence, they are doing the Full Monty of the Americas.

Lisa is an excellent motorcycle travel writer and has written a few articles for us, while Jason is an exceptional photographer and videographer. Lisa’s words and Jason’s photographs are a pleasure for me to work with.

They spent four days with us, and one of the amazing things about people like Lisa and Jason is the stories that they have to share. They have experienced so much in the past four and a half years, but they were also travellers before getting on motorcy- cles for this trip, so they have tales of faraway places that span many years. When Lisa and Jason left our house, they were heading to the Maritimes, where they would source transport for their motorcycles and themselves back to England, and thus putting the wraps on their travels of the Americas. The pair’s future plans include exploring Africa and eventually making their way north to Norway. I hope our paths cross again one day, but in the meantime, I’ll keep an eye on their travels and escapades as they achieve their dreams through their blog at twowheelednomad.com.“—Glenn Roberts, The Editor’s Letter Sept/Oct 2018 edition

Overland International (Overland Journal & Expedition Portal)

No,[our uptake of your writing has] nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with the quality of your submissions. Prior to the pandemic, I started having a “leave no stone unturned” approach to developing authors and more content. As a result, we are scheduled out 1-1.5 years, and we are much more choosy with what we accept. Your writing has improved a great deal, and when combined with Jason’s photos, it’s not a combo we are likely to turn away if we can help it. Keep up the good work. I am amazed that you are working full-time and still churning out the content amongst other projects.Christophe Noel, Senior Editor, Overland Journal

“Great writing, by the way! I’m always very entertained by your prose…It’s a perfect blend of descriptive prose with ample wit to keep it light and fun. You both are a great team…The piece is beautiful and as I would have expected, superbly written…To be honest, all of your pieces are fantastic.”—Christophe Noel, Senior Editor, Overland Journal

I love it! That is the type of stuff that does well. It appeals to the people unable to travel, or those inching closer to the door to embark on their own adventure. It’s great…The two of you have done so well to hone your writing and image-making crafts. It’s always a treat to read something new and see the vids and pics you get. Love the image you sent from Punta Olympica near Huaraz, Peru. I just have to say it again! This is the single best selection of images we have ever received. So incredible. The amount of time, skill, and life experience there is wrapped up in these shots is not lost on me. When I think back to our initial exchanges while I was in Iceland, and you were sending me your first story about life aboard a cargo ship, who could have known your trip would become such a many splendored journey. Congratulations. Chapeau! Thank you again and nice work!“—Christophe Noel, Senior Editor, Expedition Portal


Overland Magazine

Lisa Morris and Jason Spafford (aka Two Wheeled Nomad) have been filling the pages of Overland Magazine with Lisa’s engaging text and Jason’s stunning images for nearly four years, but they’re finally back in the UK and will be talking about, and then screening, a selection of Jason’s videos at the #OverlandEvent2018.“—Paddy Tyson, Owner

I just wanted to say that it was a pleasure to see you at The Event this year. Thank you for coming along and for helping us make the whole weekend such a great experience for everyone there. I’m receiving a constant stream of praise for all the talks and I just hope you enjoyed presenting as much as your audience enjoyed listening. Thanks again for making it all so inspiring for everyone. Safe and happy travels until we next meet.“—Paddy Tyson, Owner



“Bootifully indeed! You probably know this better than me, because I’m from Austria with German as my first language, but the British have a way with words whereas Americans…not so much. Your stories, are very unique and entertaining to read. I spoke about this linguistic difference with one of our journalists yesterday, and he couldn’t agree more. He chalked it up to the fact that you had Shakespeare. That might be a stretch, but there’s no denying your country values the written word more strongly.”Florian Neuhauser,Editor-in-Chief


The Journal of Lost Time

“Jason, I love your work. I love your stuff. Damn good stuff. Love that you’re the photographer, Lisa is the writer. Yeah, your work is awesome.”—Josiah Roe, Editor-in-Chief


TREAD magazine

“Your images drop the jaws of myself and the art directors who have been lucky enough to lay out your stories—3 of them, may I say and each always gives compliments. And your words are so beautiful, I pinch myself each time I edit them, and feel inspired by the creativity you bleed out to the rest of us. Thank you so much for sending these back so quickly. I love having you get to see the layout and getting to put your own personal touches on the captions. It’s magic.”—Kelly Nomura, Editor


Wired Magazine

I just finished editing your Scotland piece and I loved it! I’m a big history fan and have never even considered the isles before reading your piece – definitely want to go now!“—Emily-Jane Cave, Brand Manager




Thanks for your detailed update and congratulations on all of your accomplishments durning 2017.  I know the year ahead will be full of new opportunities and experiences which will be richly rewarding for both of you. I love working with you…I know more Aerostich gear would meet your requirements so if any opportunities come along to work with you further, please let me know. If you get anywhere near our location (Minnesota) I hope you’ll have time to stop and visit and see our operation. I wish you both a great 2018…Your review is wonderful and will help ADVMoto readers learn about these panniers.  I’m glad they met your requirements. I love working with you.  If future opportunities develop for us to work together on something else, please let me know…Thanks for the great selection of images from you overnight on the salt flats. Must have been an amazing night sleeping way out in the middle there.“—Andy Goldfine, Owner


Cascade Designs

WAU also shared with me some of your photo content to date – wow, these snaps are gorgeous!“—Lindsay Morrison, Content Developer / Marketing Executive



You guys rock!!! Please let us know if you need anything from us. We will be happy to accommodate. We love your lifestyle and are grateful for your support! We take the Summer months off and I would love to put this [our imagery] up as our “gone fishin'” type message…it is a great Summer photo for us.“—Steve Wuebker, Owner


Good To-Go

Thank you for the interest in working with Good To-Go. Kate is a good friend and it speaks volumes when she refers someone to us. We are finding traction in the overland market and I do see there being some opportunity to work together. I am impressed by the work that both you and Jason do, and enjoyed your site and provided sample content.”—Justin Hagen, Marketing and Digital Media Director 

What an awesome recap and amazing year! Congrats! Great to see all of these accomplishments and it’s been fun working together.”—Justin Hagen, Marketing and Digital Media Director


Hydro Flask

I really appreciate you guys being so awesome about sending us updates and photos. I’d love to make it more official and have you guys as an official part of our ambassador team.” I love working with you because you’re incredibly organized and adventurous and your images are great…We are stoked to continue working with you both.“—Lucas Alberg, PR & Communications Manager


ICON Vehicle Dynamics

“Awesome photos! Great work so far, we’re loving it!”—Jeremy Headlee, Marketing/Design



Thank you for the content you’ve sent so far!“—Nathan Hendrix, CEO



Love those videos!“—James Stacey, Marketing and PR



“We love getting your photos.”—Scott Tomlinson, Creative Director

These images are great!“—Kassidy Davison, E-Commerce and Digital Media Coordinator

“In response to my thoughts on 5-10 items that I would say should be the requirements of field testing motorcycle garments: “Thank you! This is a fantastic list. I appreciate the feedback.”—Pat Beernink, Senior Developer, Motorcycle Category, Technical Riding Gear

First and foremost, THANK YOU for reviewing the Artemis and for all the kind words and excitement about the new kit! Everything looks great and is extremely detailed which I appreciate.”—Pat Beernink, Designer, Motorcycle Category, Technical Riding Gear

Looks fantastic Lisa, and we greatly appreciate the articulate feedback.  Keep it coming.”—Jayson Plummer, Product Line Manager, Technical Riding Gear

In response to my consulting on a future women’s motorcycle suit: “Lisa: Thank you for the extensive feedback! [My colleagues] have hit it out of the park based off your comments! The suit looks great on you! I’ve attached your feedback sheet back with some comments from me.“—Pat Beernink, Senior Developer, Motorcycle CategoryTechnical Riding Gear



“I was shocked how amazing pictures you can make just from round, black tires and tubes! When I saw it, I had to laugh loud, my colleagues looked at me and then they saw the pictures…and what´s their comment: “Exactly such a picture your need for our new tube booklet since months!!” At the moment I just had to say: It´s lovely to be a part of your trip and of you and we are very glad about your work and your friendship.We really appreciate working with you. What pleases me more is that you want to trust HEIDENAU. Because I just love working with you and I hope that one day we will get to know each other personally. Moto hugs.”—Sabine Kaufmann, Marketing Manager



“I’m so happy to hear that you’re pleased with the tent – and thanks for your reviews! Your honest, third party perspective will undoubtedly be helpful to customers who may be on the fence about this tent. I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for these reviews.”—Brandon Bills, Media Relations


Oboz USA

I love working with you because you’re incredibly organized and adventurous and your images are great.”—Rachel Walker, Marketing co-ordinator


Rab (Their first non-climbing ambassadors)

Thank you for constantly wanting to check in and make sure that you are in good standing as far as our relationship and partnership goes. Its very clear that you care about the Rab brand and want to help us expand, so really, thanks!…I enjoy your content and the photos you and Jason produce…The product placement in magazines and the face-to-face “influencer” capacity is great…I do want to mention that we are super thankful for everything you guys have done so far, you are the first “ambassador” this company has had (at least in North America).“—Josh Perez, Marketing personnel


Road Shower

Thanks Guys…great shots…will promote and use. Love it!  Thanks for the update. Good work on that.”—Joel Cotton, President

“Awesome news and update. Thank you for that.  I’ll keep looking at the instagram posts. So far so good.  Glad to hear RS was a hit!  Awesome.  It was a good thing for us to hook up with you all. “—Joel Cotton, President


RSi SmartCanopy

Thank you for the awesome content. We did a post yesterday [utilising your imagery] and will do another post with this new content next week. We are loving your pics!!!!“—Jason Ehrlich, Vice President, Global Marketing


I really love what you are doing. Everytime I see some of your photos I would love to pack my stuff and leave… :o) And another very positive point: You are so active and it is very nice that you keep me up to date.”—Daniel Keller, Photo & Documentation



“Thanks Lisa, great shots – Jason is certainly an excellent photographer – he has, however, got a very photogenic model!”—Jane, Director



Thank you so much for these amazing awesome pictures! Absolutely breathtaking!…Can we use some of your photos in our marketing? We are impressedWe at Rukka HQ are impressed in everything you have done.“—Michael Walshaw, Motorsport personnel


Terra Nova Equipment

Please keep the photos coming, they are very much appreciated. Thank you for those. They really do make me want to pack up and travel.“—Carolyn Budding, Marketing and PR Manager


By the way your images have been absolutely killer. We’re stoked to share them with our audience! Thanks so much to you and Jason for all your posts so far. On top of it being stellar content/imagery, I think it’s excited other Dream Teamers to be more active on the page as well.” [Here.]—Lindsay Morrison, Content Marketing Manager


Tilley Hats

Thanks for your patience as its been a whirlwind since returning from Munich! And for continuing to send through images and updates on your travels. All lovely images and appreciate you sharing with us.”—Tina Fawcett, Vice President, Global Marketing & Ecommerce


We Are Unicorns

Sweet pictures by the way! What a setting! Beautiful shots, Lisa! Props to Jason and thank you both for passing these along. Looks like the adventure is off to a scenic and comfortable start! We’re eager to see where your four wheels take you next.“—Ryan Shepherd, PR for Therm-a-Rest


Woody’s Wheel Works

“Love all the pictures, keep them coming.”—Woody, Woody’s Wheel Works, LLC



“I love your writing! Great descriptions, magic colours, terrific connections with the lands and the people.”…I hope all’s still going really well with you guys. Loving the updates from Lisa. Give her a hug would you please : ) Cheers, Sam.”—Sam Manicom, author of four adventure motorcycle travel books ‘Into Africa’, ‘Under Asian Skies’, ‘Distant Suns’ and ‘Tortillas to Totems’ 



I absolutely loved her [Lisa Morris’] story, to the point of reading it twice. [The Final Frontier,” June 2017]. Words, emotions, sincerity…excellent writing, experience and trek. I would gladly purchase more Mojos just knowing she may again write from her memoirs.”—Denis Goselin, subscriber of Motorcycle Mojo Magazine

“OMG you two! 3 days ago I found your blog and have now read your story so far! What an adventure, so beautifully written and narrated by Lisa, I can’t believe we didn’t know what you were doing! I will be following your blog now, eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this life affirming journey you have undertaken, together, taking your readers with you via the amazing pictures and videos and the enchanting way Lisa captures the essence of your adventure.”—Clive Littlewood, Roadrunners Despatch

“I am loving the stories and the ebb and flow of your trip. I think your writing is a delight, and a great read for experienced travellers or the humble coach potato.”—Neil Burnard, motorcyclist

“Always love your blog posts, videos and photos. Thank you for sharing using magical words that capture my interest in your adventure. You are both true professionals as your writing demonstrates. Truly inspirational!”—Miss Rider, motorcyclist

“..You are really finding your own pure voice here…A genuine sense of place, spirit, and heart. Be safe, stay aware, and remain humble.”—EH Alberts, motorcyclist

“I’m amazed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both equally educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head..”—Mickie, motorcyclist

“Hi! As a fellow blogger, who blogs almost exclusively about Guatemala, I REALLY enjoyed seeing another author write so eloquently about Antigua and with stunning photos to match. Glad you enjoyed your time in Guatemala!”—Chelsea, lagringachapina.com

Hope the new venture goes well, the quality and composition of your photographs is amazing, love the new layout of the web site.always a pleasure to read, Lisa is an excellent narrator.“—Terry Spafford, Jason’s father

Well done to you both. It has been fascinating to watch the adventure from the comfort of our homes. You have taken some stunning photos and I have loved every post. Congratulations !!!”—Ivan James, Facebook follower

Has been great following you guys. Lisa…your very descriptive writing, along with Jason’s awesome photographs, have given us a true feeling of being with you both, in spirit at least, on this amazing adventure. Thank you. Best wishes for the future.“—Martin Card, Facebook follower

All the best for the future, it’s been a ride…long may it continue, many of us dream but you did it, be proud…“—Ian du Rose, Facebook follower

I’ve watched your journey from when you first took the boat (thanks to Adventure Bike TV for sharing the video). I’ll definitely look forward to whatever is next.“—Michael Phelps, Facebook follower

Well done folks you have entertained me well with your travels and some great pictures“—Mervin Horswell, Facebook follower

An amazing life. I enjoy seeing your pictures! Wow.“—Ann Reid

Thank you for sharing your epic journey. I have enjoyed following you“—Chris Hannis, Facebook follower

It’s been a joy to read your many posts and watch the many videos too. Your pics were amazing, as I’m sure the experience was for you both. Very best wishes to you both, wherever you travel to. Take care always.“—Colin Cherry, Facebook follower

Thanks for the adventure. Loved all the magnificent photos.“—Lynette Williams, Facebook follower

Through your thought provoking writing, Lisa, and your beautiful photography, Jason, I have virtually visited some fabulous places.. Thank you.”—Paul Billin, Facebook follower

Lisa and Jason. You two have done an amazing feat. The two of you together singlehandedly went to furthest reaches and pulled out gold every time. You two are miners of the richest commodities on this earth. Love and creating inspiration through a simple life. Always keeping your eyes and ears open as you travel. Along the way offering a balance of humility and tenacity. I will always be indebted to you both for lighting the fire in me. I am so proud to have met you. Godspeed to you both. Never quit dreaming of that next adventure. Our hopes become dreams. Our dreams become reality. When we make the choice to love who we are , what we stand for , and share that love with others.“—Phillip Wulff–Facebook follower

You two are the most inspiring people I know. Thank you for letting all of us be a small part of your incredible lives!!!!“—Kelli Locker, Facebook follower

I just wanted to include a quickie note of how I enjoyed Lisa Morris’s story of the Southwest ride. I was impressed by the story for several reasons, number one would be I’ve  ridden every location she wrote about, more than once. I’ve always told others, ANY ride in Colorado west of I-25 is undoubtedly some of America’s best. I take a number of mags and generally read them cover to cover, however until I read Lisa’s thoughts, the only other motorcycle or auto author I could name would be Peter Egan. Now I have two writers to watch for future impressive stories.—Keith Ingram – RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
I was once again re-reading her DEATH VALLEY story and as I did so I smiled thinking that I didn’t realize ERNEST HEMMNGWAY has a daughter! :o) Perhaps she’s not related, but the word flow, etc has HEMMNGWAY’S entertaining reading. I’m forgetting another one Lisa’s excellent story telling, however it was about my home state OF NM. If possible and if the distance wasn’t so far, I’d offer her and her significant other to enjoy a free room and board with my wife while here in Clovis NM, I’d invite her to visit my science and Biology classes. Thanks again.“—Keith Ingram – RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
In ‘Sublime Loop’ Lisa Morris says she was ‘smitten’.  Well, I’m smitten with the combination of Jason Spofford’s Photography and Lisa’s words. Oh the prose! I dont know who inspires whom but Lisa’s embellishment of the scenes is truly captivating. As a reader I’m always engaged by the pictures. But rarely do the words magnify and transcend the photography. A special piece. This is my pick for submission of the year.“—Lost Goth – RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
Lisa, I’ve never been to Iceland but I feel you’ve given me a long peak behind the curtain with your story in the recent Overland Journal. Susan is preparing for her second trek there, planned for July. Your verbal images are as stunning as your visual. Thank you for sharing this incredible adventure in such a joyful way.“—Bill Dragoo

“Dear Lisa & Jason. Last night, Emy showed me your article. I was very touched. When we hosted you, we had no idea who you were. Even, once we found out about what you do, we didn’t expect anything like this. I just showed you around, trying to be a good host. To turn our toehold in America into some form of beachhead has meant, literally, bloody, sweat and tears…well, dry tears, as boys of my generation in Australia were not permitted emotion like that. So, to have someone ring our bell as you just did is unexpected. Thank you. I just wanted to show appreciation for your courtesy. So, we hope, everything is coming together for you in Las Vegas. We hope also, that all your plans for this journey bear the fruit you need borne. Well, this is a lot for Emy to type. All the best and thank you.David and Emy Woodburn


I absolutely loved her [Lisa Morris’] story, to the point of reading it twice. [The Final Frontier,” June 2017]. Words, emotions, sincerity…excellent writing, experience and trek. I would gladly purchase more Mojos just knowing she may again write from her memoirs.”—Denis Goselin, subscriber of Motorcycle Mojo Magazine

“OMG you two! 3 days ago I found your blog and have now read your story so far! What an adventure, so beautifully written and narrated by Lisa, I can’t believe we didn’t know what you were doing! I will be following your blog now, eagerly awaiting the next chapter of this life affirming journey you have undertaken, together, taking your readers with you via the amazing pictures and videos and the enchanting way Lisa captures the essence of your adventure.”—Clive Littlewood, Roadrunners Despatch

“I am loving the stories and the ebb and flow of your trip. I think your writing is a delight, and a great read for experienced travellers or the humble coach potato.”—Neil Burnard, motorcyclist

“Always love your blog posts, videos and photos. Thank you for sharing using magical words that capture my interest in your adventure. You are both true professionals as your writing demonstrates. Truly inspirational!”—Miss Rider, motorcyclist

“..You are really finding your own pure voice here…A genuine sense of place, spirit, and heart. Be safe, stay aware, and remain humble.”—EH Alberts, motorcyclist

“I’m amazed, I must say. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s both equally educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head..”—Mickie, motorcyclist

“Hi! As a fellow blogger, who blogs almost exclusively about Guatemala, I REALLY enjoyed seeing another author write so eloquently about Antigua and with stunning photos to match. Glad you enjoyed your time in Guatemala!”—Chelsea, lagringachapina.com

Hope the new venture goes well, the quality and composition of your photographs is amazing, love the new layout of the web site.always a pleasure to read, Lisa is an excellent narrator.“—Terry Spafford, Jason’s father

Well done to you both. It has been fascinating to watch the adventure from the comfort of our homes. You have taken some stunning photos and I have loved every post. Congratulations !!!”—Ivan James, Facebook follower

Has been great following you guys. Lisa…your very descriptive writing, along with Jason’s awesome photographs, have given us a true feeling of being with you both, in spirit at least, on this amazing adventure. Thank you. Best wishes for the future.“—Martin Card, Facebook follower

All the best for the future, it’s been a ride…long may it continue, many of us dream but you did it, be proud…“—Ian du Rose, Facebook follower

I’ve watched your journey from when you first took the boat (thanks to Adventure Bike TV for sharing the video). I’ll definitely look forward to whatever is next.“—Michael Phelps, Facebook follower

Well done folks you have entertained me well with your travels and some great pictures“—Mervin Horswell, Facebook follower

An amazing life. I enjoy seeing your pictures! Wow.“—Ann Reid

Thank you for sharing your epic journey. I have enjoyed following you“—Chris Hannis, Facebook follower

It’s been a joy to read your many posts and watch the many videos too. Your pics were amazing, as I’m sure the experience was for you both. Very best wishes to you both, wherever you travel to. Take care always.“—Colin Cherry, Facebook follower

Thanks for the adventure. Loved all the magnificent photos.“—Lynette Williams, Facebook follower

Through your thought provoking writing, Lisa, and your beautiful photography, Jason, I have virtually visited some fabulous places.. Thank you.”—Paul Billin, Facebook follower

Lisa and Jason. You two have done an amazing feat. The two of you together singlehandedly went to furthest reaches and pulled out gold every time. You two are miners of the richest commodities on this earth. Love and creating inspiration through a simple life. Always keeping your eyes and ears open as you travel. Along the way offering a balance of humility and tenacity. I will always be indebted to you both for lighting the fire in me. I am so proud to have met you. Godspeed to you both. Never quit dreaming of that next adventure. Our hopes become dreams. Our dreams become reality. When we make the choice to love who we are , what we stand for , and share that love with others.“—Phillip Wulff–Facebook follower

You two are the most inspiring people I know. Thank you for letting all of us be a small part of your incredible lives!!!!“—Kelli Locker, Facebook follower

I just wanted to include a quickie note of how I enjoyed Lisa Morris’s story of the Southwest ride. I was impressed by the story for several reasons, number one would be I’ve  ridden every location she wrote about, more than once. I’ve always told others, ANY ride in Colorado west of I-25 is undoubtedly some of America’s best. I take a number of mags and generally read them cover to cover, however until I read Lisa’s thoughts, the only other motorcycle or auto author I could name would be Peter Egan. Now I have two writers to watch for future impressive stories.—Keith Ingram, RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
I was once again re-reading her DEATH VALLEY story and as I did so I smiled thinking that I didn’t realize ERNEST HEMMNGWAY has a daughter! :o) Perhaps she’s not related, but the word flow, etc has HEMMNGWAY’S entertaining reading. I’m forgetting another one Lisa’s excellent story telling, however it was about my home state OF NM. If possible and if the distance wasn’t so far, I’d offer her and her significant other to enjoy a free room and board with my wife while here in Clovis NM, I’d invite her to visit my science and Biology classes. Thanks again.Keith Ingram, RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
In ‘Sublime Loop’ Lisa Morris says she was ‘smitten’.  Well, I’m smitten with the combination of Jason Spofford’s Photography and Lisa’s words. Oh the prose! I dont know who inspires whom but Lisa’s embellishment of the scenes is truly captivating. As a reader I’m always engaged by the pictures. But rarely do the words magnify and transcend the photography. A special piece. This is my pick for submission of the year.“—Lost Goth, RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
Lisa, I’ve never been to Iceland but I feel you’ve given me a long peak behind the curtain with your story in the recent Overland Journal. Susan is preparing for her second trek there, planned for July. Your verbal images are as stunning as your visual. Thank you for sharing this incredible adventure in such a joyful way.“—Bill Dragoo, ADV Riding Instructor, Author

Somehow.. I don’t believe I could ever overdose on her writing style. You simply feel that you are there listening as she speaks these words. Please, please, keep her connected to RoadRunner.“—Denis Gosselin, RoadRUNNER Magazine subscriber
Okay so Wow…and that’s just the photos. I love the way you write. It’s like reading the lyrics of a great song. What a life you guys have created, what a team.—Renee Buskermolen

YouTube Channel

Wow. Wow. Wow. This is fully engrossing and wildly captivating. The dual narration is fantastic. Insane scenery shots. The music and sound blending completely in point. Hell of a first video for a new travel channel. You guys fully earned a new subscription.Mike Spurgin, Owner at TacoMoto.co

Incredible footage – and so well narrated. I imagine the editing job was quite the undertaking! Regarding 4 wheels vs. 2 for long haul overland travel: You guys are as qualified as any to draw a conclusion. Its a small group of us who can attempt to answer the question.BMCBarbellClub

What a wonderful look into the adventures you’ve been on. We can’t wait to follow along on your next two-wheeled adventure!Katie Bock, Digital Marketing Manager, RAM Mount

You made me cry! I finally found time to watch the movie and I cried! It is so beautiful, so well said. Are you aware of how talented you two are?! National Geographic team are amateurs! I am completely blown away and I’ve seen a lot, so many travelers and blogs and movies…Keep them coming! I will see you soon in Vegas!Polly Marinova, MotoCamp Bulgaria

Wow, Lisa. That’s an awesome video. Thank you for sharing. I’m looking forward to more videos. Miss you.Vilasha Chenganna

Nice one Kids. About time you used some of those videos on YouTube!! People will love them.Stewart Whelan

Wow what a nice first episode. I’ve seen you both in Scotland in june 2019 on the isle of sky at a small harbor i think it was called Staffin. You were with the Rhino testing. We were with our motorhome. There we found this huge dinosaur footprints in the rocks. Keep posting I loved the video! Best regards Erik from the Netherlands.Erik Tieltjes

Fabulous reel. Transported me to the ends of the world right alongside ya. Loved it. You should send this to David Attenborough, surely he should be succession planning for someone to take over his epic documentaries? You 2 would be just the ticket. Love ya. CxClaire Humphries

What a gorgeous documentary, guys! My hat is off to you. Thank you for sharing your story. Miss ya! 🙂Paul H. Smith, Editor at Adventure Motorycle Motorcycle Magazine

Wow, very impressive for a first video. That’s as good of a production quality as I have seen. I am hoping to travel some through the US on my GSBud 11729

Exceptional people on an exceptional journey. Thanks for sharing it!Tammy Perry

Loved reading your blog as two wheeled nomad, missed you by minutes in the Peak District a few years back as White Rhino pulled out of a car park in front of me! Would have been great to meet you in person but going to enjoy following along this next adventure. Safe travels.Tom Wilmott

Loved this! Top job, guys. Inspires me to drop it all and become a nomadic explorer. Maybe one day… Calum Brown

Wonderful video. I’m jealous as Hell. Both modes of transport have their merit, but me thinks true adventure is on two wheels. Looking forward to your adventures on the NA excursion.D. Fox

Terrific! I’m supposed to be working and I got side tracked by you guys. Wonderfully so. More please!Sam Manicom, Author

Well, lucky me this is my third showing of your amazing vlog. Sitting with beer and you guys in the big garden tent watching this for the first time was breathtaking – and it still is. We’ve certainly shared a few laughs in the last couple of years and I’m sure that we will see a few more. So onwards and upwards as they say.Pungarehu

OMG. Such a great video. I’m subscribed and look forward to the content you two will create. I always throught you two were better on two wheels (each) anyway. Hope to see you at some point. Perhaps we could meet somewhere.”Jimmy Hanks

“The comment in Teams Chat from our Head of Creative: Good stuff. Makes you want to walk out the door and hit the road. On a bike. Or a 4×4.Madie Hooker, Global Content Marketing Coordinator, Dometic